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The average tuition for undergraduate (bachelor's degree) students for the 2022-2023 school year in Canada was $6,834 and $3,359 in Quebec (up 2.7% compared to the previous year).
Add on housing and living costs if your child attends an institution outside of your home town.
It’s no secret that some young graduates enter the job market with a considerable amount of debt.
The Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is an investment option that allows you to set aside money to secure a bright future for your children and or grandchildren.
Under this plan, your contributions grow on a tax sheltered basis and entitle you to significant government grants, which effectively accelerate the growth of your assets.
Statistics Canada. Canadian undergraduate tuition fees by field of study, in Table: 37-10-0003-01 [database on-line]. [cited February 2, 2022]. DOI:
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