Desjardins Investments Inc., one of the leading investment fund manufacturers in Canada
Wise ETF Portfolios are managed by Desjardins Investments Inc., an investment fund manufacturer with $31.6 billion in total assetsFootnote 2, 55 years of
experience, and the trust of nearly 500,000 investors.
Desjardins Investments Inc.:
- Offers a wide range of investment funds
- Stands out for its innovative investment solutions that meet the diverse and changing needs of Canadian investors
- Plays a leadership role in supporting and promoting responsible investing in Canada
- 55 years of experience
- 500 000 investors
- $31.6B in assets under managementFootnote 1
Desjardins Investments Inc. offers a wide range of investment funds, including Chorus II Portfolios, Melodia Portfolios, SocieTerra Portfolios, Desjardins Funds, IBrix Funds and SocieTerra Funds.
Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. for proven tactical management
Desjardins Investments Inc. has chosen Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. (DGAM), one of the largest portfolio managers in CanadaFootnote 1, to
oversee tactical management of the Wise ETF Portfolios. By combining its expertise with that of ERI Scientific Beta, DGAM has renowned expertise in strategic beta. ERI Scientific Beta was chosen because of its proven objectivity and academic rigourFootnote 2. Tactical management is used to adjust portfolios to seize opportunities during volatile periods.
Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. has a comprehensive view of the market to:
- Wisely adjust asset allocation based on the portfolio's objectives
- Seize market prospects and opportunities, aiming to boost gains and minimize losses
- Make adjustments to target allocations controlled by strict risk management that caps deviation at 10% of the portfolio’s target weighting
- + $63B in assets under
managementFootnote 1
- + 43investment professionals
- + 18 ETFs
- + 18 years of experience
DGAM has more than $63.3 billionFootnote 1 assets under management for life and health, and property and casualty insurance
companies, pension funds, foundations, trust companies, public sector entities and corporations.
Wise ETF Portfolios: A gateway to the world of ETFs
- As at December 31, 2018.
- Scientific Beta was named "Indexing Firm of the Year 2019" at the annual Risk Rewards.
- The Desjardins Funds are not guaranteed, their value fluctuates frequently, and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual
fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The Desjardins Funds are offered by registered dealers.